Prevent Duty and Promoting British Values Policy

As part of my role as a childminder, I have a duty to keep myself up to date with all legislation regarding safeguarding the children in my setting. Most recent documentation includes the new Prevent duty Guidance which childminders must comply with as of July 2015. This document can be found at:

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act places a duty on Early Years settings to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. The new documentation will be used and referred to alongside other safeguarding documents such as “Working Together to Safeguard Children” and information referring to British Values.

Within the EYFS, I will promote British Values in many ways, teaching children right from wrong at an early age. I will teach about decision making, respecting each other’s views and values, talking about feelings, learning to share ideas and taking turns during play.

I will also promote the importance of having rules and boundaries in place, and the importance of those rules.

PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) and UW (Understanding the World) also teach children to have a positive sense of self, to believe in their own abilities and to challenge themselves.

I will encourage children not to stereotype and to be considerate, to respect one another, and to be accepting of others, despite their differences. Any unwanted behaviour showing otherwise will be monitored and, with parental involvement, procedures will be put in place.