Outings Policy

From time to time children will be on ad hoc outings; parental consent will be sought prior to these outings taking place.

A risk assessment of each outing will take place prior to the outing, if deemed appropriate.

Children will be told of the outing prior to leaving the house and will be encouraged to take an active role in preparing for the outing

Appropriate food and drink will be taken on all outings.

A first aid kit will be taken on all outings when traveling by er.

Appropriate age and height car seats and seat belts will be used in the car.

Contact numbers will be taken out for each outing.

Children will be supervised at all times when on outings.

When out and about younger children will be in a pushchair or carried. Young children will be in a pushchair, carried, on a buggy board or holding hands/ the pushchair. Older children will walk along side the pushchair.

When crossing the road, on a regular basis children will be encouraged to discuss whether it is safe to cross and whether they can see or hear any moving cars.

If clear boundaries and limitations are agreed with parents, older children will from time to time be encouraged and trusted to go short distances away from me in order for become more independent