About Me

As an Accredited Childminder I will have regard to the Special Educational Needs Code Of Practice.

I will ensure I have an up to date copy of the Code of Practice and I will make this document available to parents if required.

I will work closely with parents to listen to their views so as to build on children’s previous experiences, knowledge, understanding and skills and provide opportunities to develop in the six areas of learning:

Personal, social and emotional development
Communication, language and literacy
Mathematical development
Knowledge and understanding of the world
Physical development
Creative development

I will observe and monitor individual children’s progress throughout the Foundation Stage and where a child appears not to be making progress either generally or in a specific aspect of learning I will present them with different opportunities or use alternative ways of learning.

If I identify that a child has special educational needs then I will use the graduated approach as described in the Code of Practice. (Early Years Action and Early Years Action Plus)

I will discuss my observations and any proposed plans with the parents in a way that encourages them to contribute their knowledge and understanding of their child and allows them to raise any concerns they may have about their child’s needs and the provision that is being made for them.

I will, with parents’ permission, use Individual Education Plans. These will record information about the short term targets set for the child, the teaching strategies and the provision to be put in place, when the plan will be reviewed and the outcome of the action taken. I will continually review the IEPs and seek the parents’ views on the child’s progress.

I will seek support from the Network Co-ordinator and the Area Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. I will continue to develop my knowledge of special educational needs by attending training where possible and by reading literature provided to me by the Co-ordinators.